Over the past few days I’ve been working to get a new CI/CD pipeline set up for the small business I work for. We decided on using Jenkins as it’s open source and fairly intuitive. I tested TeamCity for some time and while it was a very good tool, the simplicity of Jenkins was better for our implementation.
I started by setting up a VM that uses Ubuntu 18.04. This being my base VM and the company being small I determined that allocating the following was sufficient for our uses (keep in mind this will also house SonarQube so I made the specs a bit more robust):
CPU : 4 cores
Storage: 100GB
After the initial install and setup I installed a few items that would be needed or nice to have.
apt-get update;
apt-get -yf upgrade;
apt-get -y autoremove;
apt-get -y install nano wget curl openjdk-11-jdk ant
Then I simply used the deb installer for Jenkins. You’ll need to have “wget” installed and then use the following below to get setup.
wget -q -O - http://pkg.jenkins-ci.org/debian/jenkins-ci.org.key | sudo apt-key add -
sudo sh -c 'echo deb https://pkg.jenkins.io/debian-stable binary/ > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/jenkins.list';
apt-get update;apt-get install -y jenkins;
systemctl start jenkins; systemctl enable jenkins;
If everything has gone well we can check to see if Jenkins is up.
systemctl status jenkins;
Assuming that it is we can reach the web interface, but before we do we need to grab the administrator key first.
cat /var/lib/jenkins/secrets/initialAdminPassword
Armed with this we can go to the web browser and put in the following:
You’ll land on a screen that will ask you to login using the password we just pulled. Use that password to login and install plugins you want to use. Install as needed (this will take some time) and once finished you will be asked to setup a new password for the system. Once done, I was able to get started on a freestyle project using Jenkins.
Start by clicking on “New Item”
Next you need to input a name for your freestyle project. I’m using Whiskey Mellon as an example but you likely have a name that you use internally. Later on I’ll use Cylindra as the project name.
Once you input the project name, click on Freestyle Project. Now we can setup the actual build steps.
General Tab
We start in the general tab. You can input a description if you want. Pretty self explanatory. Next is the logs. I decided that 30 days was sufficient for me. We use Github now after having used Apache Subversion and the project I’m going to pull in will be Cylindra.
Source Code Management (SCM)
The next section is our SCM. Setting up a pull to the SCM isn’t hard but it does take an extra step.
First go to Github where your project is located. Create a token for this project. I won’t cover this but here is a link to the section you need to be in and a screenshot of the permissions I assigned. (https://github.com/settings/tokens)
Now to set up our pull with our shiny new token. Pattern your pull after this:
The default for many projects is Master or Main. You can setup as many branches as you want. I’m going to leave mine as Master for demonstration purposes.
Build Triggers
There are quite a few options available here but we ran into an issue. Since we didn’t set this up in the cloud and we run Github in the cloud getting the data to the on premise setup was going to be hard. We couldn’t setup the pull for each commit which normally would be setup via a webhook but we were able to set up the following under “Build Periodically”
#create a nightly build schedule
H 17 * * *
#create a multitime build schedule
#H H(9-16)/2 * * 1-5
Being a small business we don’t have many engineers committing code. If we did, then this would have to be done differently. Instead this will pull once a day and run a build. Treat this section like a Cronjob essentially.
Build Environment
This section is straight forward for us as we’re building with Apache Ant.
Finally we have gotten to the build section. Keep in mind this build section is handled by a separate build server or node. We cover the setup for this in “How to Create a Distributed Build System to use with Jenkins”. The next steps will make sense from that context.
I assume that you either know how to use Apache Ant or you have had Eclipse (for instance) create a build.xml file. Our setup is a bit more challenging in that we have two directories we must build from. Making things worse by default Jenkins (unlike TeamCity) pulls down the entire repo. This is a one time deal (unless you blow away the downloaded repo each time) and does take into account changes made to the Master or Main as well as any branches that are listed.
So our steps will likely be different from someone with a ‘mono repo’ or a repo with submodules. If however you’ve stepped into a setup like the one I’m demonstrating you will likely find this very illuminating.
I’d like to note that while we use Apache Ant and Ant can do many many things, we’re not purists. We use Ant when it makes sense and we use Shell scripting to handle the rest. This is primarily for speed and because, again, we’re not purists.
rm -rf /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/Cylindra/CAM1/bin /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/Cylindra/build /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/Cylindra/CAM1/build;
mkdir /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/Cylindra/CAM1/bin;
mkdir /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/Cylindra/WX/bin;
mv /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/Cylindra/CAM1/cylindra.jar /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/Cylindra/CAM1/build/cylindra.jar;
That’s pretty much it. Now you can save the project and force a manual run. Hopefully this helps make sense of the basics for setting up a Java project using Github as the SCM and Apache Ant as the compiler.
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